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Under $50 Gift Guide 2019

3rd Dec 2019

Happy December! It's time get going on your holiday shopping. Here are a few fun/unique/awesome/BUDGET-FRIENDLY gift ideas—all $50 or less!

Postcard Mobile

Give this mobile pre-hung with photos, greeting carts, gift cards—or even cash! (Who wouldn't love that?)

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p.s. It's on sale!

Flensted Postcard Mobile

Christmas Tree Six Mobile

This beloved Christmas mobile makes a beautiful decoration, year after year.

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Christmas Tree Six Mobile

Monarch Butterfly Mobile

The gorgeous butterflies in this mobile unfold to create dimension, and they drift overhead for a truly delightful work of art.

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Monarch Butterfly Mobile

Patterned Sculpture Squared Kit

This thoughtfully designed modular building kit is part toy, part sculpture, and sure to delight kids of all ages.

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Modern Mobile Kit

Aspiring mobile artists will love this mobile kit that you can customize and reconfigure endlessly.

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Modern Mobile Kit

Charley Harper Birds Mobile

Your bird-watching friends will adore this cheerful bird mobile, featuring the artwork of Charley Harper.

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Charley Harper Bird Mobile

Mobile Art Book

The crafters in your life will LOVE this book. It includes the basics to make 20 different handmade paper mobiles.

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Mobile Art Book