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New Year's Resolution Guide

7th Jan 2019

Happy New Year!

We're a week into 2019. How are your resolutions going? Here are a few mobiles and tools to help you achieve your goals this year.

If you've resolved to save money, take 12% off your order with coupon code: RESOLVE2018

(Coupon code expires Friday, January 11, so resolve not to procrastinate!)

Puffing Troll Mobile

Resolve to be happier

According to Danish legend, "Puffing at trolls when feeling sad lessens pain and makes you feel glad." This adorable troll, complete with a bright red heart, is always available to help cheer you up.

Shop Puffing Troll Mobile

Decision Maker

Resolve to be more decisive

Are you the indecisive type? Yes? No? You don't know!? Don't let indecision paralyze you. Get a gentle nudge from this decision maker, and find the answers you're looking for.

Shop Decision Maker

7 Steps 4 Ladders Mobile

Resolve to achieve more

These understated ladders are a simple reminder to strive toward the next level by ascending life's ladders.

Shop 7 Steps 4 Ladders Mobile

Resolve to get centered

This beautiful yoga-inspired Balance Mobile reminds you to be mindful, balanced, and flexible—both literally and figuratively.

Shop Balance Mobile

Free Mind Mobile

Resolve to improve your outlook

How you see this mobile is up to you: is it a bunch of simple materials, fastened together into random shapes? Or is it four free, joyful individuals? These four free souls remind you that your outlook in life is everything. Life is what you make of it!

Shop Free Mind Mobile

Mosaic Desktop Mobile

Resolve to savor life

Savor life by doing something joyful for yourself. Like add a desktop mobile to our desk, smile every time you see it, and add more joy to your life and the lives of those around you.

Shop Mosaic Desktop Mobile